Thursday, August 7, 2008

Hey kids!!!

All these years I thought the reason for having children was so they could do the dishes. I'll be darned. They're good for setting you up on blogs too. Thanks Arielle.

And thank you Melanie--your're my blogger inspiration. You put a new thought in my brain like hey, Jana, maybe the old dog can learn a new trick.

Hopefully Arielle can teach me how to add pictures too, another trick for the old dog. I can count on both hands the number of snapshots I've ever taken in 55 years. I've got too much of Grandpa Ison's temperment to either pose or shoot patiently.

Well kids, off with the old me. I soon expect to be butting heads with dad for computer usage.

hmmm? Does a person sign off???? wind down? salutate?


Melanie said...

Welcome to the blogging world! I look forward to reading your entries.

Stephanie said...

Cool! Ooo, ooo, tell us all about your Oregon Vacation!!

Tiffany Hales said...

You have a BLOG, I love it, How very modern of you. You are so being added to my friends and family!

Lora Dawn said...

I'm impressed you are blogging.
And I'm glad. I love reading what you write.