Friday, December 5, 2008

Got more patience than a 2-yr-old?

Turns out I don't.

Aaron & Melanie took us on a grand tour of IKEA. Here's my description of IKEA. Teeny tiny bits of apartment furnishings in a GREAT BIG MONSTROSITY OF A STORE!!! Do you love to walk from Draper to Provo all under one roof? (And back again, because it's 2 floors.) Morgan does. He would make an excellent pioneer. I loved the looking but could have used a Sedgeway or Wickistick or wheelchair. Thanks goodness we sandwiched all this between visits to the IKEA restaurant for free breakfast and a Swedish meatballs lunch. By the way, this was Black Friday.

So we get back to A&M's apartment and I throw myself on their couch. Arielle, who has eked out $38.00 from her miniscule Subway wages and saved it for just such an occasion as Black Friday, says it's time for the University Mall. I had promised in a weak pre-Thanksgiving moment to take her to DEB, which has blue jeans her size and good sales. But after IKEA, I think clemency should be granted for lying to her. You are not getting me off this couch.

She begs, "But you promised and I want you to come and I need you to come!" repeat, repeat, repeat

Kevin throws in guilt, "Now Jana, you won't have that many more times of her wanting your company." "Well, heck", I think. I don't know which of the 3 people in this conversation I should be maddest at.

I surrender, with concessions.

Arielle pores over a map of the mall, finding the nearest entrance to Deb. Kevin drops us at the door. We walk two storefronts to Deb. She finds 2 perfect pair of jeans + a gorgeous blouse (marked down from $31.00 to $9.00) next door at Maurices, and we are DONE. May I never step foot in another mall on Black Friday.

You know what my favorite Christmas was? When Arianne & Ciarran did all my shopping for me. I had a hysterectomy as an excuse that year.

You want to be my new favorite niece? Come see me before Christmas.


Tiffany Hales said...

Hey I am a professional at shopping, just give my your list and $$$$$. Opps, I live 400 miles away, might be difficult....

Megan said...

You came to Utah! I would have loved a visit! *hint, hint*

I am so glad you blogged! I do so enjoy your blogs!

angela said...

WEll, Jana, I'm glad it was you who wore yourself out while we sat down to Thanksgiving with mother that day.

I probably sound alike a county hick, but I've never heard of IKEA, far as I"m concerned it' a car. I'll be sure to avoid it.

Glad Arielle found some bargains and what she wanted.

Smullin Family said...

I love to shop!
I'm probably not a professional like Tiffany, but I DO live a lot closer.
Black Fridays are one of my favorite times of the year. :o)

Martha said...

Can't help you with the shopping thing, but I agree, your posts are very entertaining. I love your way with words.

angela said...

In my previous comments I failed to tell you how much I enjoy your blogs. I shared this one with Lincoln.