Sunday, January 23, 2011

Farewell to Cheetos, the gig is up.

So, so , so sad. New employer = new health insurance. New health insurance has new rules. i.e. all adults on the plan are required to get a general physical every year. (Skip it if you please, but your % of copay, coins and deduct go UP.) I'm all about saving $$, so I went to chubby Dr. Kunz after, I don't know, an 8 year absence. I had the blood tests, etc etc etc. (But NO pap smear) YAY for hysterectomies! Does any woman in the world love having a pelvic? NO

Results: High cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar. bad

So Dr Kunz looks me in the eye and says, "Here's what you're gonna do, Jana. "

1. Walk 30 minutes minimum/day forevermore.
2. Take the lowest dose blood pressure med (and don't be surprised if it takes a while to regulate and you end up taking 3 types a day like everybody else.
3. Have a little visit with the hospital nutritionist
4. Report in once a week for blood pressure check and weigh-in.

5. low salt diet

Sisters, do you remember back in the days when I used to suck on salt rocks? I believe one of you told me I would get "hardening of the arteries." I didn't care.

Well that dr's appt was 2 1/2 weeks ago and how have I done on each?

1. Yes, 6 days a week. During lunch, after work, in fog, wind, light rain, with a backache and without.
2. Yes, but not sure if I like the sensation it gives
3. Coming up next weekend
4. 8 lbs down the hatch
5. I'm aiming for 2300mg sodium, the recommended for ordinary mortals. I think Dr. meant I should go lower but I can't do it yet. Just giving up Cheetos and the usual lovely fried salty things is challenge enough.

Good things:

1. I'm not so bitter, really
2. Food journaling is educational
3. Mrs Dash is not too objectionable
4. Stir frys are easy to cook
5. I'm not feeling hungry, which totally surprises me.
6. I've got a good mental game going. "Jana, don't give a rip about the total weight loss needed. Just stick to today. You can be good today and sin tomorrow." Thusfar, have not sinned tomorrow. Wait, that's a lie. I sinned @ the Ison chick yakfest.
7 . chicken breast and George Foreman grill--my 2 new best friends
8. My other best friend--IPOD Mozart, Billy Joel, etc keep me moving.
9. Kevin wanted to take me out to dinner and I turned him down. In 34 years, that's NEVER HAPPENED!

Well, that's the deal and I'm not going to write anymore about it.


jwilson said...

GOOD for you. And you CAN do it.

Lora Dawn said...

OK so you won't write about it again - - - but will you talk about it now and then? :o)

You amaze me - - -just take it in, make a plan, and implement! Your practicality is such a gift.

Lora Dawn said...

Oh yeah, and the line I loved, " I went to chubby Dr Kunz..."
I laughed.
And I laughed again as I read it aloud to one of my kids.

angela said...

I'm glad you went in for a health check to get some motivation. " We must we must we must improve out ..... and get some exercize. You've got to stay healthy so you can speak at our funerals. I want you to speak for mine. You did such a great job at Hertha's funeral.

angela said...

Jana, How can we give up Cheetos? I have a plan or test. Try feeding a Cheeto to your cat. If she doesn't eat it, then we shouldn't be eating them.
Called the Cat Cheeto Test